St. Gregory of Nyssa said: "The Goal of a Virtuous Life is to become like God"
I have met people who seem just naturally good, but by and large, it isn't easy for human beings to love what is good and shun evil. From childhood, I've been aware of this tug of war inside me - the desire to experience all the pleasures the world has to offer versus my aspiration to attain Sainthood - even wanting Martyrdom.
Because I lived the first half of my life ruled by 'feelings' , my carnal nature tugged harder than my spiritual side. This blog will be about that War. It's highly personal and I probably will not make it public. If the day comes when it seems that someone might benefit from my struggles between good and evil, I will open it for public viewing.In the beginning posts, I'll cover my background leading up to Conversion, before I define my method of striving for Virtue