Tuesday, February 12, 2008


At the present time it seems prudent to leave this blog as is. It's enough for this ole gal to keep up with my original blog Grandma's Musings. There I have posted on our life in Tennessee, miscellaneous notes on the Spiritual Journey, and real life stories of the gentle and always Amazing Grace and Mercy of God.

Since the blog is really closed now, the best way to read the full story is to begin with the first post on June 7, 2007, and read up the line since, as you know, the post at the top is the last post and it will not make as much sense to read down the page to June 7th.

The years covered in the story begin with my youth, marriage, divorce, re-marriage, move to Iowa and our latest move to Tennessee where we now live close to family. Follow our new life on Grandma's Musings.  The Conversion to Christ occurred during the Divorce period when I was not distracted trying to survive in a toxic relationship.  I tried to be objective in writing the story, pulling no punches, so it's straight forward 'from the shoulder'. 

I had started a follow-up blog "On-Going Conversion", but have discontinued it due to time constraints and other pressing issues here at home. I had described our life as being "in the slow lane", but it's become more like a parking lot this year, with infirmaties of Age. We are still striving for answers on health and wellness until God is ready to call us Home.

God Bless you. My blogging friends are so important to me. Thanks for sharing in my life.