We were both enjoying our new life in the Catholic prayer group, made new friends and adopted the Religious life as our form of pleasure.
Still, the heresies were deeply rooted, and in our Catholic involvements there was nothing to dispel these errors. We continued to drink from the Protestant wells.
But God moved us out of that situation when we moved from California to a small town in Iowa , where denominational lines were clearly drawn - no more fuzzy boundaries there. It would have been a scandal to continue being spiritual gypsies there. It felt dry and tasteless though; no access to Christian Television. There was a Christian radio station, and we did find a Charismatic Prayer Group in a town nearby. We also were introduced to the Cursillo movement, and the Lord continued to bless us with steady growth in the Spirit.
Finally, God made his move to bring us out of the deception of the heresies. In the mail one day, we received a complimentary copy of "The Rock" magazine, a Catholic apologetic publication. The articles were great; informative, inspiring and enlightening. For the first time we began to understand why we Catholics believe the way we do. When we were children in the Catholic school, we were taught to believe because the Church 'said so'. That's fine for a child, but it didn't prepare us to stand as adults against the Evangelicals' convincing references to scripture. Neither of us understood the oral tradition of the church or the authority of the Magisterium. We were easy prey.
We were happy to find this new tool for understanding our Faith. We subscribed to the magazine in the early 1990's and continue to enjoy it to this day. It launched us on another leg of the Journey.